Although you can read your mail from the main window by double-clicking on a mail item, you may find it useful to have a larger viewing screen which allows you to easily process and file all of your mail. To bring up the Mail Reader window, select the mail item in the InBox that you would like to view and select “Mail Reader...” from the Snap menu. You may also bring up the Mail Reader by holding down the option key when you double-click on a mail item or when you click on the “Open” button. The Mail Reader allows you to easily view the full text of the mail as well as delete it, save it to a text file, print it, extract files, or view other pieces of mail you have received. In the Mail Reader window you see the mail’s notification icon, sender, time stamp, and the scrollable text area. The text is “read only” but you may use Copy to paste the text into the OutBox or other applications. An arrow pointing at the notification icon indicates that you are seeing this piece of mail for the first time. The following buttons are active in the Mail Reader window: • Print To get a hard copy of your mail, click on the “Print...” button. A window will appear allowing you specify how the document will be printed. • Save To save the mail as a text file, click on the “Save...” button. This brings up the standard file-selection dialog box in which you can choose a name for the text and the folder in which to store it. Once you have left Snap Mail, the file can be opened by any word processing program. • Extract To extract a file that has been enclosed with the mail, click on the “Extract...” button. This brings up the standard file-save dialog box in which you can choose a name for the file you are extracting and the folder in which to store it. There may be many files enclosed with a single piece of mail. • Delete Clicking on the “Delete” button will bring up a confirmation window and then allow you to remove the current mail from your mailbox. If there is more mail, the next mail item will be displayed. If there are no more mail items, the message “Empty Mailbox” will be displayed. • Previous and Next To look at other items of mail, use the “Prev” and “Next” buttons. Using these buttons allows you to navigate through all of the mail in your mailbox without leaving the Reader window. • Done Click on the “Done” button to return to the Snap Mail main window.